As always it has been a busy month at RBC. I hope you will agree that it has been great to have the opportunity to sit under Murray’s rich teaching about our mission in Christ. The Elders and Pastors are working together to determine God’s direction for us over the next 6 months and beyond, by continually seeking His leading and guiding for the church and the Ministry Leaders are planning how they will serve God and the RBC family through their Ministry areas.
Young Adults/Youth/Childrens Ministries
We have now appointed a new intern to work alongside Stephen McQuarrie in our Ministry to Youth. Toni Green is working alongside our other interns Simon Brophy and Richard Cloughley. Please make a point of making Toni feel welcome as part of our team. We believe God has provided us with some outstanding servant hearted people, who will be looking to impact the community of young people we serve. I have attached their profiles below, so that you can find out a little more about them.
Toni Green:
Toni is so excited to get to know and love the young people of Rangiora, but even more for them to get to know and love Jesus Christ. She’s been involved in a number of youth groups around Canterbury, the Bay of Plenty and Dublin, Ireland (where she’s getting married in a few months!) since her own teen years at Hope Presbyterian in Hornby. When she’s not hanging out with the youth crew, you’ll find her reading, writing, riding (a horse) or planning the next ‘adventure’ to coerce her friends into.
Simon Brophy:
Simon and his wife Rebecca recently celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary, and have three children; Abigail, who is eight, Jonathan, who will be turning seven next month, and Naomi who will be four in April. Simon has two different jobs. Simon is employed as an intern at my RBC and does a great job at overseeing the Children's Ministry. He has also been
employed at a bakery for the past 12 years, which involves him getting up in the morning at half past one three days a week (I know you guys are envious). Simon is studying toward a Bachelor of Theology to compliment his hands-on work at RBC, and what he has learned so far has improved his knowledge of the Bible and helped him to see where he fits into the Big God Story
Richard Cloughley:
Richard is super excited to start his internship at the RBC this year. He left his job building last year to pursue God's calling on his life in ministry. He has a passion to see people grow in their gifts and talents, but most importantly their walk with Jesus. He is looking forward to being part of an amazing team with the desire to see the needs of the lost met, and to see God move in power through RBC and out into the world.
Prayer Week
Our prayer week begins this Sunday and the Pastors have been overseeing the setting up of a prayer room in the Hope building where the café used to be. Please ask the Lord what is on His heart for our church and community over the prayer season, so that we can discern the Lord’s will “Together”. Our theme is Unity, but I believe unity is about us all carrying in our hearts the desire for God’s will to be outworked through us at RBC, as we express our individual gifts and callings. So please seek the Lord for how you can serve His church and our local community, while also taking the time to pull aside and “Abide” in His presence. The Elders and Pastors believe that prayer is the key to us strengthening our faith and hearing God’s will for us as we serve together.
Creative Ministries
Owen Witheford has stepped down as Creative Ministries Leader and we want to acknowledge the dedication, time and commitment that Owen has given to this role. Please uphold Creative Ministries in your prayers as we need more members to lighten the load and also a new Ministry Leader. Please talk to a member of the team if you feel lead to join this vital ministry.
Recreate has kicked off for the year and we will also be starting an intergenerational evening service focusing on Young Adults on Sunday the 26th of March. This service is for all those that are young of heart, so please come and support our Young Adults Team as they put their efforts into creating a great new avenue for worship at RBC.
Missions Giving Policy
The Elders have been working on the Missions Giving Policy as agreed at the AGM. This is a complex Policy as there are many rules governing church giving at the taxation level, however we have now reached agreement on how this Policy will be administered at RBC. This is being drafted and will be released to the Church soon.
Deb Riach